TRAKnet Earns 2015 ONC Health IT Certification
NEMO Health, a medical practice specialty leader in EHR and Practice Management solutions has announced that its TRAKnet Version 3.1 has achieved the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC-Health IT) 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification.
The Drummond Group LLC, an Authorized Certification Body (ACB) that has been empowered to test software for compliance with the requirements of the federal government’s program, provided the certification. The stamp of approval designates that the software offers the functionality that enables eligible providers and hospitals to meet Meaningful Use requirements, qualifying these organizations to receive payments under the ongoing EHR adoption program.
Upon certification, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology published NEMO Health within the “Eligible Hospital Developers with 2015 Edition Health IT Modules” – indicating that not only is TRAKnet certified meeting 100% of the base criteria, but there has also been at least one Medicare Meaningful Use (2011-2016) attestation from an eligible hospital.
“We are very pleased to achieve this certification. It validates that all physicians currently using, or considering TRAKnet, can be confident that the system can support their patient care and practice management needs.” says Ali Safiedine, CEO of NEMO Health.
To earn the certification, TRAKnet was tested to be in accordance with applicable standards and certification criteria put forth by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
With more than 15 years of testing experience across various industries, Drummond Group LLC (DG) brings a high level of technical expertise to this process. Its healthcare experience also runs deep, having certified hundreds of EHRs since becoming an ACB in 2010.
TRAKnet, which met the requirements for Health Information Technology (ONC-Health IT) 2015 Edition Health IT Module Certification is a podiatry specific EHR developed and supported by Podiatrists.
TRAKnet Version 3.1’s certification number is
The effective date is 12/29/2017 and meets the following certification criteria:
170.315 (a)(1): Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) – Medications
170.315 (a)(2): CPOE – Laboratory
170.315 (a)(3): CPOE – Diagnostic Imaging
170.315 (a)(4): Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE
170.315 (a)(5): Demographics meets 170.315 (a)(6): Problem List
170.315 (a)(7): Medication List
170.315 (a)(8): Medication Allergy List
170.315 (a)(9): Clinical Decision Support
170.315 (a)(10): Drug-Formulary and Preferred Drug List Checks
170.315 (a)(11): Smoking Status
170.315 (a)(12): Family Health History
170.315 (a)(13): Patient-Specific Education Resources
170.315 (a)(14): Implantable Device List
170.315 (b)(1): Transitions of Care
170.315 (b)(2): Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation
170.315 (b)(3): Electronic Prescribing
170.315 (b)(4): Common Clinical Data Set Summary Record – Create
170.315 (b)(5): Common Clinical Data Set Summary Record – Receive
170.315 (b)(6): Data Export
170.315 (c)(1): Clinical Quality Measures – Record and Export
170.315 (c)(2): Clinical Quality Measures – Import and Calculate
170.315 (c)(3): Clinical Quality Measures – Report
170.315 (c)(4): Clinical Quality Measures – Filter
170.315 (d)(1): Authentication, Access Control, Authorization
170.315 (d)(2): Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance
170.315 (d)(3): Audit Report(s)
170.315 (d)(4): Amendments
170.315 (d)(5): Automatic Access Time-out
170.315 (d)(6): Emergency Access
170.315 (d)(7): End-User Device Encryption
170.315 (d)(8): Integrity
170.315 (d)(9): Trusted Connection
170.315 (e)(1): View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd Party
170.315 (e)(2): Secure Messaging
170.315 (e)(3): Patient Health Information Capture
170.315 (f)(1): Transmission to Immunization Registries
170.315 (f)(7): Transmission to Public Health Agencies – Health Care Surveys
170.315 (g)(2): Automated Measure Calculation
170.315 (g)(3): Safety-Enhanced Design
170.315 (g)(4): Quality Management System
170.315 (g)(5): Accessibility-Centered Design
170.315 (g)(6): Consolidated CDA Creation
170.315 (g)(7): Application Access – Patient Selection
170.315 (g)(8): Application Access – Data Category Request
170.315 (g)(9): Application Access – All Data Request
170.315 (h)(1): Direct Project
Clinical Quality Measures for which TRAKnet 3.1 Has Been Tested and Certified:
CMS22v5: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented
CMS50v5: Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report
CMS68v6: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record
CMS69v5: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan
CMS122v5: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control
CMS123v5: Diabetes: Foot Exam
CMS138v5: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention
CMS139v5: Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk
CMS155v5: Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents
CMS165v5: Controlling High Blood Pressure
Additional Software TRAKnet 3.1 Relied Upon to Demonstrate Its Compliance: MedlinePlus Connect, Updox Direct 2014, Surescripts ePrescribing, LexiComp (Wolters Kluwer), Windows Operating System
Additional types of costs that a user may be required to pay to implement or use TRAKnet 3.1’s capabilities, whether to meet meaningful use objectives and measures or to achieve any other use within the scope of the health IT’s certification:
There is a one-time setup fee and monthly subscription fees for the EHR. The monthly subscription fees include all modules required for meeting Meaningful Use objectives.
There are no limitations that a user may encounter in the course of implementing and using the Certified Health IT’s capabilities, whether to meet meaningful use objectives and measures or to achieve any other use within the scope of the health IT’s certification.
About NEMO Health
NEMO Health is a practice improvement company offering a variety of solutions to physicians of all specialties. The solutions encompass all the tools needed for practice and profitability optimization – such as EHR, practice management, medical billing and consulting services. TRAKnet is the company’s podiatry specific charting, billing and scheduling platform for practice management. For more information, please visit www.nemohealth.com.
About Drummond Group LLC
Drummond Group LLC is a global software test and certification lab that serves a wide range of vertical industries. In healthcare, Drummond Group LLC tests and certifies Controlled Substance Ordering Systems (CSOS), Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances (EPCS) software and processes, and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) – designating the trusted test lab as the only third-party certifier of all three initiatives designed to move the industry toward a digital future. Founded in 1999, and accredited for the Office of the National Coordinator Health IT Certification Program as an Authorized Certification Body (ACB) and an Authorized Test Lab (ATL), Drummond Group LLC continues to build upon its deep experience and expertise necessary to deliver reliable and cost-effective services. For more information, please visit http://www.drummondgroup.com.